Coronavirus Diary Day 331: February 6, 2021
So 2021 was chugging right along, that is, until my youngest son had a skiing accident that stopped us in our tracks. Thankfully, Ryan has 9 lives. After an ambulance ride, a helicopter ride, emergency surgery to remove his spleen, a day in ICU, and 5 more days in the hospital, he’s recovering at home, nearly as good as new. For those who know us IRL, thank you for all the prayers and support. We felt your love, and it’s much appreciated.
Some kids will do anything to get out of school.
But speaking of school, Ryan is taking all of his classes from home this semester. For the obvious reasons (see above) and also just because. I mean, guys, Coronavirus is still a thing. College kids are locked in their dorms, wearing masks, and avoiding the strong arm of the law. So, what’s the point?
There’s a battle raging amongst the parents and educators of younger kids too. Some districts have gone back to school a few days per week, in limited capacities, with supplemental online learning. Others are still completely online. There are children who’ve not been inside a school building in nearly a year. Despite evidence that kids, for the most part, don’t get sick and don’t infect others, we’re being extra careful because no one wants to accidentally kill their teachers. I don’t have younger kids, so I mostly keep my thoughts to myself. Regardless of who’s right or who’s wrong in this debate, what I do know is that America’s youth has lost a year of education. Will that affect their futures? Meh. Maybe it will. I’m just glad none of those little brats belong to me.
Yesterday, I saw The Bestie for the first time since last February. Even when I lived in France, I’m not sure I ever went an entire year without sharing an in-person meal with her. We finally reached a point in this pandemic where we said, OH FUCK IT. We met for lunch inside an actual restaurant, where I housed a bacon cheeseburger with fries and felt zero guilt. Because I was sitting across a table from the woman who completes my sentences, gets my humor, and will never judge me for my menu choices. Coronavirus can separate us no longer.
You know what else? I’m getting the Vaccine on Monday. Yep, that’s what I said. In fact, I was supposed to get it last Monday, but my appointment was cancelled on account of a significantly epic snow storm. I’m a volunteer with the American Red Cross, and as it turns out, that puts me at the front of the line. So, I will gladly accept that jab and take my rightful place at the helm of herd immunity.
Watch out, world. I’m back.